Waist Training Diary - Month 1

It has been a month since I started waist training so I thought I'd update you all on how it is going. It's has been a fun learning curve.
I've gradually noticed some physical changes from wearing my waist training corset and there are some adjustments I've had to get used to.
The noticeable changes are :
My rib cage has become more flexible, adapting to my corset and allowing me to pull in my waist tighter.
My natural figure is starting to contour to an hourglass silhouette even without my corset.
My tummy also seems to be a bit flatter.
The adjustments I have had to get used to are :
My body is getting used to my constant corset wear but I find I have in-prints on my skin from the boning of the corset. They go away fast, especially if you massage the area, so it is not a problem, but it is something I am getting used to. I'm hoping over time they will stop appearing.
When I am sitting for long periods of time, while wearing my corset, it's wonderful to have the extra back support. But it is not uncommon to have a bit of skin being pinched, below where my corset ends. When this becomes uncomfortable I've found it's better to loosen the bottom half of the laces, instead of taking it off all together.
I'm pleased with my progress having increased my daily wear to about 6 hours a day. I've even been taking some short naps, with my corset on.
Happy lacing,