Tis the season to be Jolly!

Winter is finally here - a point none of us will have failed to notice in the last few weeks after our glamorous going out plans may have been foiled when the country was covered in a blanket of snow! As frustrating as the snow and cold weather can be, what could be better than taking a 'snow day' off work, cosying up next to a nice open fire and watching Christmas movies while stuffing your face with mince pies and mulled wine?! Oh what a lovely image… however, the reality of the winter season may differ somewhat - not only does my flat not have an open fire, but the double glazing on the windows packed in many months ago leaving little barrier to the icy cold weather outside! On top of this, I can't eat mince pies, brandy cream, chocolates, cheese, Christmas cake etc.(cue the violins..) so, my Christmas bingeing has its' limits! All that said, I do love the Christmas season! As long as the snow lets me get to where I want to go, then I have no problem letting it get on with its frosty business! In fact, I revel in the opportunity to break out my fluffy hats & stoles, swap my skyscraper heels for a slightly more foot friendly boot, and drink my own weight in Gluhwein at the Christmas Markets! It is also a great excuse to grip on to your loved one a little tighter and steal a few extra warming hugs!
So, while I wrap my blanket around myself that little bit tighter, put Elf in the DVD player for the 8th time, I smile and enjoy... as for me this really is the season to be jolly and embrace all the good things in life - wine, food & love.